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Warming the hearts of the companions


Bro. John Lewin McLeish said “Masonry is an earnest fellowship of tried and true men, cognizant of human failures in the past, conscious of human limitations in the present, and animated by the loftiest human aspirations for the future. That Mason who best understands the real, the esoteric meaning of our gentle philosophy, is best equipped to further the highest ideals of brotherly love, relief and truth, for which Masonry stands.”

Jen Houlden also once said “T. J., you quote people too much.”

A wise Past High Priest also said I was too erudite to so frequently lean upon the words of another but I really like that McLeish quote. We often see Fellowship as enjoying each other’s company and having fun but I think Masonic Fellowship is more than that.

We are spreading brotherly love in a growing era of only online interactions and growing social distance. We are combating loneliness and providing critical relief to those in need. Within the Royal Arch we are not just Brothers, we are also Companions. We have a shared experience of a journey. These bonds of commonality create an Espirit de Corps as we also celebrate the unique perspectives and diversity of our members.

Omaha Chapter #1 Royal Arch Masons